Bannon Engineering offers a full suite of design services for our clients:

  • Water/Wastewater:  Septic Systems, Water Systems, Wastewater, Sewer, Process Water/Wastewater, Industrial Discharges, Groundwater, Underground Injection Controls
  • Stormwater, Rivers & Wetlands:   Stormwater Collections, Discharges, Erosion Controls, Steam Alterations, Rip Rap, Embankment Stabilization, Flood Controls, Hydraulics, Wetland Mitigation, Ponds
  • Commercial and Residential Site Design:  Grading Plans, Retaining Structures, Driveway, Infrastructure, Utilities, Water, Sewer, Stormwater, Green Site Planning, LEED Certification
  • Industrial:   Air Pollution Control Systems, Exhaust Stacks,  Process Ventilation, Chemical Storage , Spill Containment,  Water Treatment, Wastewater Treatment
  • Food & Beverage: Beer Breweries, Cheese, Milk Parlors, Slaughterhouses, Farm Operations, Manure Management, Biosolids, Odors
  • Hazardous Waste Storage:  Underground Storage (UST), Above Ground Storage (AST), Hazardous Waste Management Systems, Spill Containment, Brownfield Rehabilitation, Corrective Action Plans, Clean-up Plans
  • Energy: Biomass Power Plants, Solar Array,  Residential Wind Turbines,Micro Turbines, Industrial Boilers,  Gas Turbine Generators, Diesel Engines, Utility Corridor, MitigationSpill Containment
  • Transportation:   Culverts, Bridges, Roads, Driveways, Intersections, Sidewalks, Slope Stability, Stream Crossings, Parking,  ADA, Safe Routes to School, Enhancements