Deerfield Valley Transit Association is a public transit facility located in Wilmington, VT. DVTA hired Bannon Engineering to scope and engineer a new location to construct a 16,000-sf maintenance garage, administration, and fleet parking complex.
DVTA worked with the community to identify a nine (9) acre Brownfield’s Hazardous Remediation site that was a blight in the middle of the village. DVTA stepped forward to make a community difference. Bannon Engineering was lead consultant for environmental and civil engineering.
Bannon Engineering provided the following engineering services:
- Water/wastewater design
- Parking and building design
- Performed a flood plain elevation study
- River geomorphological study
- Archeology investigation with UVM Consulting Archeological Program
- Historic preservation investigation with Paula Sagerman
- Brownfield corrective action plan
- Stormwater design for fleet parking hot spot
- Traffic study
- Performed FTA noise study
- Performed a noise study for Vermont Act 250
- Prepared Act 250 permit application
- Prepared local permits
- Prepared Vermont stormwater permit
- Prepared Vermont erosion control permit for moderate risk site
- Prepared NEPA and categorical exclusion CE studies
- Bid specifications
- Construction engineering
The project was successfully bid within projected cost estimates and budget. The project was awarded to Wright Construction and is now under construction.