Stormwater runoff from land and impervious areas such as roads, parking lots, and building rooftops during rainfall and snow events often contain pollutants that could adversely affect water quality. State, local and possibly Federal permits are required depending on the
Septic System Design
Bannon Engineering provides septic system design in Vermont state-wide and in the Upper Valley area in New Hampshire. Mark Bannon is a class A1 Licensed Designer in Vermont and a Licensed Designer and Evaluator in New Hampshire. He was selected by Governor
Bannon Engineering’s firm Principal Licensed Engineer is a former State Regulator board Certified Safety Professional.
Bannon Engineering offers a variety of professional engineering services to cities and towns.
From small offices to large commercial retail facilities, Bannon Engineering provides our clients with the necessary engineering services they need to achieve their dreams.
From small-scale remodels and additions to large-scale custom homes, Bannon Engineering strives to provide our clients with the necessary engineering services they need to achieve their dreams.